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名詞: n.
dong po ting
ㄉㄨㄥ ㄆㄛ ㄊㄧㄥˊ
Dongpo Pavilion
Situated on the campus of Hepu Normal School in Beihai City, Dongpo Pavilion was built in memory of Su Dongpo, a famous poet of the Song Dynasty (960-1127). Although Su Dongpo had lived here for just a short time, he still wrote several articles and poems to describe the life of the local people and his mood at the time. The pavilion, with its historical relics and beautiful scenery, has become a key tourist attraction.
The pavilion is a brick and wooden structure. The name Dong Po Ting (Dongpo Pavilion) is inscribed on a wooden panel hanging on the door lintel of the building. Entering the pavilion, visitors will immediately see Su Dongpo's stone portrait set in the front wall. Each of the ten poems he created is displayed to the left of the portrait. East of the pavilion is a well whose water is crystal clear and sweet. It is said that the well was dug by Su Dongpo himself and that the water had special powers. Legend has it that people who drank from the well were able to successfully pass government examinations. In the east of the pavilion lies Dongpo Park. When you arrive here, you are greeted by a wonderful view of the park's surrounding lake. The surface of the lake sparkles in the sunlight and the weeping willows swing gently with the breeze.
詞條貢獻者: Dr.eye編輯組  
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