Yuyuan Garden is a famous classical garden located in Anren Jie, Shanghai. The garden was finished in 1577 by a government officer of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) named Pan Yunduan. Yu in Chinese means pleasing and satisfying, and this garden was specially built for Pan's parents as a place for them to enjoy a tranquil and happy time in their old age.
Yuyuan Garden occupies an area of 20,000 square meters (about five acres). However, the small size is not a representative of the attractions of the garden. The pavilions, halls, rockeries, ponds and cloisters all have unique characteristics. There are six main scenic areas in the garden: Sansui Hall, Wanhua Chamber, Dianchun Hall, Huijing Hall, Yuhua Hall and the Inner Garden. Each area features several scenic spots within its borders. The true treasure of Yuyuan Garden is the Exquisite Jade Rock. What is interesting about this rock is that if you burn a joss stick just below the rock, the smoke will magically float out from all of the holes. Similarly, when you pour water into the rock from top, the water will flow out from each hole creating a spectacular sight to see. The Inner Garden was a separate garden built in 1709, but is now a part of Yuyuan Garden in the south. The Inner Garden is compact and exquisite, and the rocks, pavilions, ornamental ponds and flower walls offer some of the most attractive sceneries in Yuyuan Garden.
清道光二十二年(1842年)第一次鴉片戰爭爆發,外國侵略者入侵上海,英國軍隊強佔豫園,大肆蹂躪。 “一望淒然,繁華頓歇……園亭風光如洗,泉石無色”。清咸豐三年(1853年),上海小刀會響應太平天國革命,在上海發動起義。起義失敗後,清兵在城內燒殺搶掠,豫園被嚴重破壞,點春堂、香雪堂、桂花廳、得月樓等建築都被付之一炬。