短語: ph.
Beltway bandit is a term for private companies located in or near Washington, D.C. whose major business is to provide consulting services to the US government. The phrase was originally a mild insult, implying that the companies preyed like bandits on the largesse of the federal government, but it has lost much of its pejorative nature and is now often used as a neutral, descriptive term.
Inside the Beltway
Other Uses
An early use of the term may have been from a description of thieves who took advantage of the newly-constructed Beltway to rob houses from their back yards, which were now exposed to the highway. Neighbors would not have seen them from the front yards, and by the time the police arrived, the thieves would have used the Beltway to escape to another state, at a time when communications between Virginia and Maryland police departments was fairly rudimentary.
Beltway Bandits is the name of a women's competitive travelling ice-hockey program in the DC area. The team is a member of the Mid-Atlantic Women's Hockey League (MAWHL) and plays other teams in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and the DC metro area.
It is the name of an instrumental piece of music by Frank Zappa on his "Jazz from Hell" album.