電 影 海 報  


片名: A Pure Formality
台灣譯名: 幽國車站
香港譯名: 幽國車站
導 演: Giuseppe Tornatore
類 型: Crime, Drama
出 品: Sony Pictures Classics
發行時間: 1994
宣 傳 語:
主 演: Gerard Depardieu
Roman Polanski
Sergio Rubini
Nicola DiPinto
Paolo Lombardi
Tano Cimarosa
   內 容 簡 介
Onoff is a famous writer who hasn't published any new books for quite some time and has become a recluse. When he is picked up by the police one stormy night, without any identification, out of breath and running madly, without clear memory of recent events, the Inspector is suspicious. Through interrogatory dialectic, the head of this lonely, isolated, broken-down police station tries to establish what has happened, by delving into the mind of his writer-hero, and clearing up a mysterious killing.
   評 論
Convincing psychological thriller that challenges us to consider the thin line between fantasy and reality. (Spirituality and Health)
" See this film. I think it might end up as one of your all time favorites."(http://us.imdb.com/)
   摘 抄 本
(source: http://www.hkcomics.com)
這部片子里的主角之一Roman Polanski是一位鼎鼎大名的導演,以黑暗陰冷死亡恐怖執導風格風格著稱。2002年的《鋼琴師》(The Pianist)就是他的作品。