語 言 貼 士  

類別: 說文解字 [第 81 篇]



綿羊 山羊
公羊 ram he-goat
母羊 ewe she-goat
小羊 lamb kid

2. a flock of sheep一群羊

3. wool羊毛,(woolen)sweater/cardigan羊毛衫,cashmere sweater羊絨衫,mutton羊肉,sheepskin羊皮。

4. scapegoat替罪羊,sheep and donkeys懦夫和笨蛋,sheep's heart膽小鬼


1. as well be handed for a sheep as (for) a lamb一不做,二不休。

2. a wolf in sheep's clothing披著羊皮的狼

3. a sheep in a tiger's skin─outwardly strong羊質虎皮

4. cast sheep's eyes at sb.對某人拋媚眼

5. follow like sheep盲從

6. sheep without a shepherd烏合之眾

7. the sheep and the goats好人與壞人

8. black sheep敗家子,害群之馬

9. stand out like a camel in a flock of sheep鶴立雞群

10. After all, the wool still comes from the sheep's back─in the long run, whatever you're given, you pay for it.羊毛出在羊身上。

11. One scabbed sheep inflects the whole flock.(諺)一只羊生瘡,整群羊遭殃。

12. It's never too late to mend. / It is not too late to mend the fold even after some of the sheep have been lost。亡羊補牢,猶未為晚。


1. black sheep
  源於英國古代的迷信傳說。英國人總認為黑羊是魔鬼的化身。另外,黑羊毛也不及白羊毛值錢,常被視為“無用的次品”,因此,“黑羊”(black sheep)在英語中便有了“無用之人”、“不孝之子”、“敗家子”、“害群之馬”等轉義。例如︰
  There are black sheep in every flock.

2. separate the sheep from the goats區分好人與壞人


總之,羊的善良被人稱頌,羊的軟弱由人貶損,正體現了這個世界的矛盾性。連耶穌也稱作“好的牧羊人”(the Good Shepherd),足見羊在英語中的地位。

